The American quiz show Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader started back in 2007, and it has gone on to become a franchise. The show was initially based on a concept that Howard Stern had on his show. Famous television producer Mark Barnett then altered it to appeal to a mass audience. The show has become a worldwide hit, with versions of it appearing in over 25 countries. But the question is now posed to you ? are you smarter than a fifth-grader?
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an example of this.
Calculating Your Results!
Matt is a print and broadcast-journalism graduate and natural storyteller with over nine years of writing experience. Matt is a writer for Creative Campbellville and his work has been featured in various magazines, newspapers and online communications across North America.
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